Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How to Maintenance Your Iphone 6

The iPhone 6 is one kind of Smartphone that is luxurious, it is pretty, so you should know how to maintenance your iPhone 6 to keep it in good and luxury condition. Iphone is made with the high quality of system, then it is proved to be maintenance well, you do not want to let your iPhone 6 go bad, do not you? You will get the maintenance of your iPhone 6 from the many sites in internet or from the manufacturer directly. The maintenance is to protect your contents, make it run faster, and improve the battery life. If you can do all of them, it is sure that your iPhone 6 will be more functional and last longer.
Iphone 6 Maintenance
What it will be told here is to protect the contents. To protect it, what you should do is to back up your phone regularly. You can back up it by using iCloud and iTunes. It is easier to use the iCloud, but it will be overloaded if you have one Apple ID for more than one iPad and iPhone. iTunes allows the unlimited back up basically, but the iTunes can not back up movies, non-purchased library, and the photo from library. Then, the other things to maintenance your iPhone 6 is using the pass code function is important. You can keep your iPhone by using the pass code to prevent the other people to access your iPhone without your permission.

You should not forget about this one, this is important if you are losing your iPhone unluckily. What you should do is to download the Find My Iphone app. This app is useful to be used when you lost your iPhone. By using that app, you can save the data on your iPhone. The app will locate where your iPhone is, then lock it, or erase all of the data there. The app is free to download n play store to maintenance your iPhone 6.

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