Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Innovation in Smartphone 2015

In a few years ago, you did think that your application in your Smartphone is sophisticated, but when it came in 2015, that application and system program became obsolete. The Smartphone 2015 has so many innovations that it does not exist before, or it exists but it does not give best effect for Smartphone users. In early 2015, a producer that produces innovation chip for many kinds of Smartphone such as Android, iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, and the others exclude iPhone. The new chip name is Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 810. This chip gives new experience for many Smartphone users especially for them who always up-to-date with the new technology.

A tablet’s processor or Smartphone is the main thing of all of the experience. The CPU controls so many things, every pixel, every push notification, and CPU controls every application, although sometimes there are graphics that is handled with separate GPU). The greatest extrapolation power has the meaning to enhance the abilities. However, the best company’s chip today, Snapdragon 805, from the market, permits the experience like in the virtual reality environment. The snapdragon for Smartphone 2015 will make the system run further and better for every Smartphone users in all of places. It is designed to perfect the old Snapdragon 805 that has already existed in last year.
Smartphone Innovation 2015
When it is released and you had it in your hand, you will find several things that you can do there but you can not do the programs in the past year. The juggle 4K video, it has the display of 4K resolution, but its device is also being able of streaming 4K wirelessly to the display. You can stream the video in the TV with only in a few taps. Of course, with this program, you will need also the TV or dongle that is be able to receive it, but you do not worry, it is still in the working plan of Smartphone 2015 too.

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