Wednesday, November 18, 2015

3 Secret Features on IOS 9

Secret Features on IOS 9 - There are lot of secret features on IOS 9 that make this Smartphones. here are few of it. 

1. Wifi Assist

Secret Features on IOS 9

Secret Features on IOS 9

Wi-fi Assist is one of the features that IOS 9 Has, it will select the connection automatically between Cellular Data or Wi-Fi, it will chose based on the connection status, if Wi-Fi is having a better connection then it will use directly as Data Connection instead of Cellular Data so that user does not has to change it manually.

2. Smart Calendar

Secret Features on IOS 9

Secret Features on IOS 9

This Smart Calendar will detect automatically if there is any invitation, flight schedule, meeting, till restaurant reservation that goes through email on the Iphones.

3. Flight Preview

Secret Features on IOS 9

Secret Features on IOS 9

This is another smart Apps launched by IOS, it cacn detect the route of the flight that has information through Email, Safari or Notes.

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