Saturday, November 28, 2015

Things To Do If You Smartphones Get into the Water

Things To Do If You Smartphones Get into the Water-It is really dissappointed at the time you have your smartphones get into the water accidentally, or when it is wet bay rain at the time you are on the car or motorbike. it can caused you lot of money to buy a new smartphone to replace the broken one, but before doing that, better you try to this tips and trick that might be helpful to save your money and smartphones.

1. Turn off your smartphone immediately.

Thins action taken to cut of the electricity goes deeper into the important component of your smartphones, even some time you might not aware that your smartphones are getting splash by rain at the time you put your smartphones on the pocket.

Things To Do If You Smartphones Get into the Water
2. Dismantle all the component of your smartphones

Things To Do If You Smartphones Get into the Water
It is need to be done to safe data of your smartphones, take off the batteries, Casing and others but remember do not take off the machines.

3. Dried all your smartphones components.

Soon as you arrive at home, dries all the component of your smartphones, you can used tissue or other soft material, Especially for the machines dried it using vacuum or other equipment, but do not put it to close to the machines, it cold make your component blow away, and please do not use Hair Drier to dried the machine components.

Things To Do If You Smartphones Get into the Water

4. Using rice to Dried Your Phone

This methods also could dried your Smartphones, put it where the rice are keep, let it be there for some time. and this is to absorb water that are there on your smartphones. 

Things To Do If You Smartphones Get into the Water

Pretty easy is not it ?? Try this Tips and Trick before your buy a new Smartphones if you are having Wet Problem. Enjoy


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